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France-Hong Kong scientific collaboration: French Senator Olivier Cadic visits HKU-PRP

Malik Peiris, co-director of HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, was pleased to welcome Mr Olivier Cadic, French Senator for the French people living abroad, at HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, on Tuesday 19 September 2017, during the senator's visit to Hong Kong.

Accompanied by a delegation from the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau which supports the Pole’s activities - Mrs Paule Ignatio (deputy consul general) and Mr Frederic Bretar (Head of Science, Technology & High Education) - Mr Olivier Cadic was introduced to the current issues regarding infectious diseases in Hong Kong and the area. Malik Peiris highlighted the importance of implementing a « One-Health » approach as the determinants of health are converging and increasingly interdependent. Analyses and responses to current global threats require a concerted global approach including climate change issue and improved understanding of major global health challenges through research and public health actions. He also stressed the crucial role of education in training the next generation of scientists and presented the teaching activities of HKU-Pasteur Research Pole. The research teams leaders then invited Mr Olivier Cadic to a guided lab tour to meet the different researchers, including visiting scientists from France.

HKU-Pasteur Research Pole is a significant example of fruitful scientific cooperation between France and Hong Kong since it has been created following a partnership agreement between the Institut Pasteur in Paris and the University of Hong Kong (see the history of the Pole). The laboratory is one of the 33 members of the Institut Pasteur International Network established in 26 countries.

Some pictures of this visit:

From left to right: Sophie Valkenburg, Chris Mok, Malik Peiris, Olivier Cadic, Paule Ignatio, Suki Lee, Frederic Bretar, Sumana Sanyal

Malik Peiris introducing the One Health concept

Chris Mok presents the lab's facilities




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                      For Interdisciplinary Research
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