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Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN)

- Visit of SIgN by Institutes Pasteur of Asian Network, Singapore, June 14-15, 2009 - Directors of Institues Pasteur of Asian Network visited the Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) chaired by Pr Philippe Kourilsky. After a day of scientific presentations and a general discussion, several options to promote further collaboration around the following research areas emerged:

innate immunity dengue and arboviruses malaria

and a development of the RESPARI program with emphasis on the immune response to respiratory viruses, taking advantage of the focus on human immunology provided by SIgN.

From left to right, Dr Roberto Bruzzone (HKU-PRC), Dr Ulf Nehrbass (IP Korea), Dr Paul Brey (regional advisor for the Institut Pasteur International Network in Asia), Pr Philippe Kourilsky (chairman of SIgN), Dr Vincent Deubel (IP Shanghai/CAS), Dr Jean-louis Sarthou (IP Cambodia) and Dr Yves Charpak (director of international affairs Institut Pasteur)

From left to right, Dr Roberto Bruzzone (HKU-PRC), Dr Paul Brey (regional advisor for the Institut Pasteur International Network in Asia), Dr Vincent Deubel (IP Shanghai/CAS), Dr Jean-louis Sarthou (IP Cambodia), Dr Ulf Nehrbass (IP Korea) and Dr Yves Charpak (director of international affairs Institut Pasteur)


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