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Grant & Award

- Pandemic research project awarded HK$76 million by UGC -

The University Grants Committee, in the fourth round of its Area of Excellence (AoE) scheme, has awarded HK$76 million to fund a research project titled ‘Control of Pandemic and Inter-pandemic Influenza’, to be led by a HKU research team comprising over 30 colleagues. Please visit these pages for the full team list and the press release.

This funding will allow HKU researchers, in partnership with peers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Baptist University and the relevant government organizations, to identify novel and pioneering options of controlling influenza.

HKU-Pasteur Research Centre’s efforts are concentrated on pathogenesis, host response and innate-immunity. Professor Malik Peiris, our Scientific Director and Chair Professor of the Department of Microbiology is the AoE Coordinator of the research project.


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