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The 12th HKU-Pasteur Virology Course will focus on outbreaks (12-24 July 2015) -

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The theme of the 12th HKU-Pasteur Virology Course (12- 24 July 2015) will focus on “Outbreaks” with particular emphasis on hemorrhagic fevers.

As the most devastating outbreak of Ebola virus disease is still ongoing, the course will discuss cutting edge research on the epidemiology, anthropology, molecular biology, ecology and prevention strategies to contain the devastating impact of this group of diseases. The recent outbreak of Chikungunya virus throughout the Caribbean will be reviewed to illustrate the impact of its rapidly evolving epidemiology, with increased frequency of outbreaks and expansion to new geographical areas that were previously unaffected.

The course (MMPH6171) is included in the coursework curriculum for research postgraduate studies of the University of Hong Kong.

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