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New publication

- A new SISEA publication from Institut Pasteur Cambodia -

In this paper the authors report of the unexpected findings of pulmonary forms of melioidosis in the hospital-based surveillance initiated with the SISEA project.

They conclude that “Melioidosis might prove to be a significant public health issue in Cambodia. It can therefore be anticipated that when microscopic diagnostic possibilities become more widely available, B. pseudomallei will be relatively more frequently detected as a causative agent of community-acquired infections, with diabetes as underlying predisposing factor.

The IPC-initiated surveillance of pneumonias in Takeo Provincial Hospital will provide the first reliable information from a public hospital on how often melioidosis is the cause of infection amongst patients presenting with pulmonary infections.

The initiative of the Pasteur Institute to provide possibilities to diagnose melioidosis to the clinicians in the public hospitals in the provinces, combined with activities to make these clinicians knowledgeable about the disease, will provide further information on the existence of melioidosis in the different provinces of Cambodia.

Download the article.


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