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Institut Pasteur International Vaccinology 2013 Course

This course is dedicated to candidates from all over the world with a medical or scientific training background and interested in all aspects of Vaccinology.

It is taught in English and will take place from Friday, 1st March to Friday 29th March, 2013, on the Institut Pasteur campus in Paris.

The objective is to offer an integrated overview of vaccinology, from public health and scientific data which justify the development of a vaccine, to its delivery to the populations in the context of industrialized and developing countries.

The course comprises the 4 following modules:

  • Introduction to Vaccinology, an integrative discipline.

  • Preclinical and clinical steps: basic principles.

  • Update of vaccine development for the major infectious diseases

  • Future challenges

Besides the lectures, the teachers will ensure methodology workshops based on a partnership with the HSeT Foundation which has developed an e-learning website dedicated to the course. Personalized tutoring is also ensured.

Deadline for registration (online) is 1st November, 2012.

For more information see our website:

For questions on scientific content or eligibility for the course, please contact Dr A. Phalipon ( or Dr F. Tangy ( Several fellowships will be available thanks to industrial partnerships. Limited to 24 students.



Tel:              (852) 2831 5494

Fax:             (852) 2872 5782


Address:      7/F, Room 705, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building

                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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