The 44th Board of Directors has gathered all the Directors of the institutes from the Institut Pasteur International Network on November 8-10, 2011 at Institut Pasteur, Paris. On this occasion, a full day has been dedicated to the first Scientific International Meeting of the Young Researchers from the Institut Pasteur International Network entitled “Challenges in Global Health: Opportunities for Institut Pasteur International Network” on November 10, 2011. The meeting brought together over 270 scientists from the Institut Pasteur and the International Network and allowed many exchanges in a very constructive and friendly atmosphere. The quality of the scientific presentations of the young scientists during this meeting reflects the scientific renewal of the Network.
Three Prizes “Institut Pasteur International Network - Young Scientist Awards” were awarded at the end of this meeting:
Two Prizes were awarded for the best oral presentation: One award gives a young scientist working in Paris the opportunity to visit (travel and one week stay) the laboratory of his/her choice within the Institut Pasteur International Network: the nominees were Camilo ARIAS-GOETA, Matthieu DOMENECH and Juliette PAIREAU. The winner is Camilo ARIAS-GOETA (Institut Pasteur) working on chikungunya transmission. Another award gives the awarded scientist, working within the Institut Pasteur International Network, the opportunity to visit the Paris campus (travel and one week stay): the nominees were Issam HMILA (IP Tunis), Suk-Jun LEE (IP Korea), Christine MATTE (INRS-Institut A. Frappier) and Serge SADEUH-MBA (Centre Pasteur du Cameroun).The winners are ranked equally: Christine MATTE (INRS-Institut A. Frappier) working on infection 's mechanisms of macrophages by Leishmania major and Serge SADEUH-MBA (Pasteur Centre in Cameroon) working on transmission of enteroviruses.
One Prize was awarded for the best poster: The nominees were Sima DRINI (IP Tunis), Martial JAUME (HKU-PRC), Bruno MANTA (IP Montevideo) and Nadia RAZAFINDRALAMBO (IP Madagascar) The winner is Sima DRINI (IP Tunis) working on immune responses to Leishmania proteins.
Please visit the website to download the book of abstracts and view the photo albums.