Ralf Altmeyer former CEO of HKU-PRC was named as the next Director General for the Institut Pasteur in Shanghai on February 8, 2010. He will succeed Vincent Deubel, who is to serve as Director for the Institut Pasteur in Cambodia.
Researcher in virology at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, Ralf Altmeyer has been CEO of HKU-PRC from 2003 to 2006. He was the President of CombinatoRx-Singapore, the infectious disease subsidiary of CombinatoRx (2006-2009).
The research at the Institut Pasteur in Shanghai is focused on infectious diseases most common in Asia and in particular in China (respiratory diseases, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and encephalitis). With its academic and industrial partners, the Institut Pasteur in Shanghai develop products for diagnosis, vaccination and treatment.
Read the press release here.