A new publication in Eurosurveillance from Professor Leo Poon, Professor Malik Peiris, and teams at the Centre for Immunology & Infection and the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, reveals that multiple genotypes of are found in wild birds, highlighting the importance of Hong Kong as a strategic site for AI surveillance.

We isolated three genotypes of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) clade from wild birds infected with H5N1 (n = 12) and H5N8 (n = 1) in Hong Kong SAR 2021–2024. Viruses from two spoonbills from late 2022 were genetically related to a virus from a human in China. Four tested viruses exhibited variable virulence in mice but were susceptible to approved antivirals.
No neutralising antibody was detected in 63 age-stratified human sera, suggesting potential risk should the virus adapt to humans.