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Workshop in Honor of Françoise Barré-Sinoussi on October 13th, 2015 - Registration open

At the end of next August, the scientific career of Françoise Barré-Sinoussi will come to its administrative end and the research unit she is leading at the Institut Pasteur will shut its doors. Though the 2008 Nobel laureate in Medicine scientist will continue to be involved in a number of national and international activities, the symbolic moment of her retirement is the occasion to honor her exceptional scientific career, her tireless engagement in the fight against HIV/AIDS and the humanist values she has always defended.

The ANRS, the Institut Pasteur and Sidaction are thus jointly organizing a workshop dedicated to Françoise Barré-Sinoussi on October 13th at the Institut Pasteur Conference Center.

Registration is free but mandatory considering the limited capacity of the venue.

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