The annual Institut Pasteur International Network Directors’s Council closed on Friday 22nd September in Abidjan in the presence of Christian Vigouroux, Chairman of the Institut Pasteur’s Board of Directors.
During the 3 days of the meeting, representatives of the 33 member institutes were able to take stock of the main axes of development such as the scientific strategy of the network, ethics, communication, partnerships or research applications.
The importance of managing and monitoring the careers of researchers in the network was underlined, as was the need to strengthen collaborations between institutes.
As part of the Calmette & Yersin program, a new type of fellowship will be set up from 2018 onwards. These new fellowships will enable scientists from the network to carry out an internship of 1 to 3 months in one Institute of the Institut Pasteur International Network other than Paris.
On the same occasion, the head of the virology department at the Pasteur Center in Cameroon, Dr. Richard Njouom received the Dedonder-Clayton 2017 Prize for his work on viral hepatitis.
The meeting closed with the presentation of the "Pasteur International Talent" awards by Prof. Christian Bréchot to Drs Anubis Vega Rua (Institut Pasteur of Guadeloupe, head of the medical entomology laboratory) and Felipe Trajtenberg (Institut Pasteur in Montevideo, Protein Crystallography Unit). The "Pasteur International Talent" awards, worth € 10,000 each (around HKD 90,000), aims to recognize and support the career development of researchers with high potential within the lnternational Network.
See all the pictures of the meeting here. More details on the Institut Pasteur website:
Report on the 49th Institut Pasteur International Network Directors' Council in Abidjan Two young scientists of the Institut Pasteur in Guadeloupe and Montevideo laureates of the the first "Pasteur International Talent" awards Dr. Richard Njouom laureate of the Dedonder-Clayton Prize 2017