(Chinese University of Hong Kong, 28 May 2014)
At the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the discovery of the plague bacillus by Alexandre Yersin in Hong Kong, a series of lectures about the fight against infectious diseases will be given by specialists from across the world. The next conference will be given by Professor Joseph JY SUNG, President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 28/05 at 3:00pm at the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, 2 Caine Lane, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong.
Professor JY SUNG will give a presentation about “The fight against SARS in 2003 in Hong Kong”.
About the speaker:
Prof Joseph JY SUNG, President of the Chinese University in Hong Kong received his MB BS degree from The University of Hong Kong in 1983, and was conferred a PhD in biomedical sciences by the University of Calgary in 1992, and a MD by CUHK in 1997. He has published over 680 full scientific articles in leading journals, including many in The New England Journal of Medicine and the Lancet, both top-notch journals in the field of clinical medicine. He has edited or authored more than 15 books, and also refereed for more than 32 prestigious journals. In 2003, Professor SUNG led his medical team to fight against SARS and was named “Asian Hero” by the Time magazine in recognition of his outstanding contributions. Underscoring his significant services to the Hong Kong community, Professor Sung was awarded, among others, the Distinguished Award for Fighting SARS (Medical Technology Personnel Category) by RTHK and Ming Pao and the Distinguished Leader Award 2003 (Community and Public Affairs Category) by the Sing Tao Group. http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/governance/officers/joseph-sung/english/biography.html Don’t miss your chance, registration is already open and places are limited ! You can find bellow the list of conferences with corresponding registration pages :
From 08/05 to 27/06 | MUSEUM OF MEDICAL SCIENCES "Plagues" Exhibition.
28/05, 3:00 PM | MUSEUM OF MEDICAL SCIENCES A Lecture about “ The fight against SARS in 2003 in Hong Kong ” given by Prof Joseph JY SUNG, President of CUHK.
29/05, 3:00 PM | MUSEUM OF MEDICAL SCIENCES A Lecture about “Pasteur and his Lieutenants” by Professor Maxime SCHWARTZ and Mrs Annick PERROT from Institut Pasteur (Paris).
29/05, 6:30 PM | PARENTHÈSES LIBRARY Presentation and signature of book "Pasteur et ses lieutenants" by Professor Maxime SCHWARTZ and Mrs Annick PERROT from Institut Pasteur (Paris).
30/05, 10:30 AM | CITY UNIVERSITY A Lecture about “The new Infectious Diseases : Where do they come from?” by Professor Maxime SCHWARTZ from Institut Pasteur (Paris).
23/06, 6:00 PM | MUSEUM OF MEDICAL SCIENCES A Lecture about "The race between Alexandre Yersin and Shibasaburo Kitasato for the discovery of the plague bacillus" by Professor Tom SOLOMON from University of Liverpool.
More information on le French May website : http://www.frenchmay.com/en/programmes/plagues.