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The APRU Global Health Conference will be held at HKU for the 2019 edition

The School of Public Health will be hosting the APRU Global Health Conference 2019 from 17 to 20 November on HKU campus. This conference will serve as an important platform for both Hong Kong-based scientists and overseas scholars to exchange expertise and cutting-edge findings to address urban health challenges. It will also provide a great forum for academics to brainstorm solutions with a wide spectrum of stakeholders including policymakers; industry practitioners; civil society and our next generation of leaders, students.

Highlights of this year's Conference include academic and career mentoring sessions for post-doctoral fellows and students. In addition, skill-based pre-conference workshops will be conducted to provide practical training. Unique fieldtrips will offer an insider's perspective as to how Hong Kong transformed from a small fishing village to a vibrant international city.

>>> PROGRAM <<<

With the theme of Global Urban Health, the Conference is now calling for abstracts from interested parties from around the world. Abstract Tracks:

  • 1. Non-communicable diseases (e.g. mental health, smoking, diabetes, cardiovascular disease cancer)

  • 2. Infectious diseases

  • 3. Environment, health & active lifestyle (e.g. air pollution, climate change, physical activities, ageing, occupational health & safety, maternal & child health/reproductive health)

  • 4. Health systems & governance

  • 5. Smart city / technology

  • 6. Global health education & training

  • 7. Others (e.g. migration/displacement, natural disasters)

Abstracts must be submitted online via the Abstract Submission Portal from now to 5 July 2019. For detailed regulations and guidelines, please visit the event website.

For enquiries, please contact the Conference Secretariat at or consult members of Organising Committee and Scientific Committee.




Tel:              (852) 2831 5494

Fax:             (852) 2872 5782


Address:      7/F, Room 705, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building

                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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