On Thursday June 1st, 2017, Ralf Altmeyer, former director at HKU-Pasteur Research Pole (2003-2006) and the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai (2010-2015), will be visiting the University of Hong Kong.

As the current managing director of the Shandong University Helmholtz Institute of Biotechnology (Sino-German College at Shandong University), he has been invited by the Theme-based Research on Viral, Host and Environmental Determinants of Influenza Virus Transmission and Pathogenesis (UGC) and Centre of Influenza Research to give a seminar entitled:
“Novel Target and Drug Candidate for the Treatment of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections".
All are welcome.
Date: 1 June 2017 (Thur) Time: 4:30 pm Venue: Seminar Rooms 1-2, G/F Laboratory Block, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong