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Scientific Congress

- Scientific Conference of the Institut Pasteur International Network, November 27-28, 2006, Hanoi, Vietnam - The 38th Board of Directors of the Institut Pasteur International Network was held on November 25th and 26th, 2006 in the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Hanoï, Vietnam. Dr Roberto Bruzzone and Pr Malik Peiris attended this meeting. The Board of Directors was followed by the Scientific Conference on November 27th and 28th, 2006, dedicated to three topics: acute respiratory infections (SRAS, avian flu), acute viral encephalitis and viral haemorrhagic fevers. HKU-Pasteur Research Centre contributed several presentations, including lectures by Pr Malik Peiris, Scientific Director (Avian flu H5N1, a threat to human health), Dr Béatrice Nal (Large-scale genomic approaches to identify cellular regulators of virus life cycle) and Dr Dong Jiang Tang (Lentiviruses pseudotyped with the hemagglutinin of a H5N1 influenza virus enter the cell in a pH-dependent way). Dr Jean-Michel Garcia, Dr Joanna Ho, Dr Martial Jaume, Dr Pei Gang Wang and Mr Jason Kam (posters) presented their work. Dr Roberto Bruzzone, CEO, was interviewed by the Vietnamese TV and discussed the role of HKU-Research Centre in the initiatives of the Pasteur-Asia network to fight infectious diseases (visit our photo albums’ page).

- Departmental Open Day of Virology 2006, November 20-21, Paris, France - The Departmental Open Day of Virology was held in Duclaux amphitheatre, Insitut Pasteur, Paris, France. Dr Béatrice Nal (Large-scale genomic approaches to identify cellular regulators of virus life cycle, oral presentation), Dr Jean-Michel Garcia (A high throughput plateform for the study of viral entry: applications to drug discovery, seroepidemiology and cellular biology research, oral presentation), Mr Jason Kam (poster) presented their work.


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