AoE on Control of Pandemic and Inter-Pandemic Influenza and Centre of Influenza Research
The Area of Excellence on Control of Pandemic and Inter-Pandemic Influenza and Centre of Influenza Research are organizing a research seminar on influenza viruses. It will take place on 28 April 2016, 3.30pm, Seminar Room 6, LG1/F, Laboratory Block, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.
Research Seminar I
"The Roles of Influenza Viral Polymerase Complex in Virus Replication and Host Adaptation" by Dr Alex Chin (School of Public Health, HKU) Research Seminar II "Genetic and Antigenic Evolution of H9N2 Influenza Virus in Chicken in China" by Ms Yujuan Chai (PhD Candidate, School of Public Health, HKU)
All are welcome. Download the poster here.