Our distinguished Selection Committee has evaluated and selected candidates according to their academic and research achievements and their internship project proposals.
The four successful candidates are:
Ms Yuen Yan Candice CHANG (PhD student, Department of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong) who will perform her internship in Dr Jost ENNINGA’s group (Dynamics of Host-Pathogen Interactions Group, Cell Biology of Infection Department)
Ms Hoi Lam Karen KWAN (PhD student, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong) who will perform her internship in Professor Jean-Marc CAVAILLON’s unit (Cytokines and Inflammation Unit, Infection and Epidemiology Department)
Mr Kam Lun TSANG (PhD student, School of Public Health, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong) who will perform his internship in Dr Simon CAUCHEMEZ’s unit (Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases Unit, Department Epidemiology and Infection)
Ms Ying Ying LEE (MPhil student, Medicine and Therapeutics, Chinese University of Hong Kong) who will perform her internship in Dr Christian MUNCHARDT’s unit (Epigenetic Regulation Unit, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Department)
Before flying to Paris the candidates are attending French courses at Alliance Française in Hong Kong.
On behalf of the Selection Committee, we would like to congratulate and wish them a wonderful professional and cultural experience at Institut Pasteur, in Paris, France.
About the Scholarship:
Sponsored by L’Oréal Hong Kong and partnered with the HKU–Pasteur Research Centre and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, the Scholarship aims at providing outstanding postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows with the opportunity of exposure to the research environment in France through participating in research work in laboratories of the Institut Pasteur, thereby better preparing them for future long-term professional development and career in scientific research.
Postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows and Hong Kong and Macau permanent residents that demonstrate a keen and devoted capability and intention to pursue research studies in France can apply for the Scholarship.
More information at www.loreal-scholarship.com.

2014 laureates together with 2013 laureates (from left to right Candice CHANG, Ying Ying LEE, Roberto BRUZZONE, Kam Lung Tsang and Karen KWAN)