Molecular Biology of the Cell Paris, January 8-February 9, 2018
This course is an intensive practical/theoretical course aimed at Master/early PhD students from Paris universities and from abroad.
The Molecular Biology of the Cell course is an intensive laboratory and lecture course of five weeks divided into weekly modules, each focusing on a cutting-edge aspect of cell biology. It is composed of lectures given by internationally renowned scientists, and of two practical sessions organized together with teams from the Curie and the Pasteur institutes. The main topics of the course alternate between the cell biology of infection, cancer and intracellular trafficking emphasizing new experimental approaches. The availability of the core Imaging Platform at Institut Pasteur will introduce students to advanced techniques for the dynamic visualization of cells in health and disease.
3 fellowships covering the course costs will be available, as indicated on the website. The 2018 course will take place from January 8 to February 9, 2018 on the Institut Pasteur campus in Paris.