Guinea remains marked by the Ebola virus outbreak, which highlighted the overall weakness of its health systems. It coud still be the scene of emerging zoonotic diseases with epidemic potential. A better understanding of the conditions for the emergence of those zoonosis and the good practices allowing their detection and prevention is therefore essential to reduce the risk of (re) appearance.

As part of the LAB-NET project coordinated by Expertise France and implemented by Institut Pasteur and Fondation Mérieux, a training course is being led by the Institut Pasteur in Guinea, to strengthen the expertise of Guinean laboratories in the detection and surveillance of pathogens circulating in the area. A theoretical and practical training on the “One Health” concept was organized from 15-25 March 2017 in the city of Dalaba, in collaboration with the Institut Supérieur des Sciences et de Médecine Vétérinaire (ISSMV) in Dalaba and the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (Germany). Read more on The Research Journal of the Institut Pasteur (27 April 2017).