We have openings for extremely motivated students to pursue research work in the area of host-pathogen interactions.
HKU-PRP emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches to generate information on fundamental processes of infectious diseases that may be translated into clinical applications. We focus on burden of diseases in the region, with particular emphasis on influenza and other viruses that are both global and regional threats.

Current projects include: Suki Lee lab (suki@hku.hk)
Role of TLR10 as an innate immune sensor for respiratory viral infections (PhD)
Role of COX-2 and its signaling in viral pathogenesis (PhD)
Potential new therapeutic option in treatment of influenza disease (PhD)
For more information check the lab page. Sumana Sanyal lab (sanyal@hku.hk)
Host factors involved in dengue virus release (PhD)
Role of deubiquitylating enzymes (DUB) in innate immune signaling pathways and during viral infections (PhD)
Function of Tsg101 during influenza infection and its modulation by the interferon-I response (PhD)
For more information check the lab page. Chris Mok lab (ch02mkp@hku.hk)
Investigation of the immune and virologic responses of influenza virus infected IPS-derived pneumocytes (MPhil).
For more information check the lab page.
Interested candidates are advised to check on the University’s entrance requirements, details of which are available from The University of Hong Kong’s Postgraduate Admission homepage.