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Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institut Pasteur International Network (Hong Kong, 22-23 November 2

Please note that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to SEPTEMBER 10, 2010.

General Information

This annual meeting is the most important scientific event of the Pasteur Network and it is our goal to attract interest from colleagues working in related areas. The 2-day conference includes Four Minisymposia and Poster Sessions, and is open to all scientists and students working in different organizations, including university, research institutes, government, education and industry. The conference will start with a Keynote lecture by Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the 2008 Nobel Laureate. The website with more information on Registration and Guidelines for Abstract Submission has been released. The meeting will be organized by HKU-Pasteur Research Centre, which is located in the campus of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. This will give participants the opportunity to interact with a number of scientists working on infectious diseases and public health related projects in Hong Kong.

Call for Abstracts – DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2010

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and of the Institut Pasteur International Network, we invite the submission of abstracts that report new scientific research developments in all areas of human diseases and public health.

  • Abstracts received by August 31 may be considered for a Minisymposium talk.

  • Abstracts not accepted for a Minisymposium talk will automatically be considered for a poster presentation.

  • Poster presentations are scheduled Monday–Tuesday, November 22–23, 2010.

  • We will be able to accommodate a maximum of 120 posters (60 per session) on a first come-first serve basis, therefore do not delay your submission! The Poster session has no pre-defined theme and we welcome submission of abstracts covering a wide range of human diseases.


  1. Vaccine preventable diseases

  2. Neglected Diseases

  3. Networking to improve health

  4. Science and humanities (with the Center for Humanities and Medicine of the University of Hong Kong)


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