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An international symposium on Microbes & brain at Institut Pasteur, Paris on July 3, 2015 - Registra

Registration are open

This symposium will take place at the Institut Pasteur within the framework of the Grand Programme Fédérateur Microbes & Brain (GPF M&B), which aims at creating synergy between Neurosciences, Microbiology and Immunology, three strong research traditions at the Institut. This synergy should generate cutting-edge knowledge of how microbes and brain interact to maintain health or drive pathology.

The objective is to present ground-breaking research deciphering the impact of microbiota on biological functions related to the nervous system, including the blood brain barrier, metabolism and immunity of the brain, and behavior.

Organizers from the Institut Pasteur, Paris

- Gérard Eberl

- Ivo Gomperts Boneca

- Monique Lafon

- Pierre Legrain

- Pierre-Marie Lledo

- Uwe Maskos


Sebastien BOHLER, Pour la Science, France

John CRYAN, University College Cork, Ireland

Jane FOSTER, The Brain-Body Institute, Canada

Lloyd KASPER, Dartmouth Medical School, United States

Wolfgang KUNZE, The Brain-Body Institute, Canada

Marion LEBOYER, Groupe Hospitalier Chenevier-Mondor, France

Pierre-Marie LLEDO, Institut Pasteur, France

Sarkis MAZMANIAN, Caltech, United States

Michal SCHWARTZ, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Registration You can register for the conference through the secure site.


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