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22nd Research Postgraduates Symposium: Congratulations Dr Selim!

The Research Postgraduate Symposium (RPS), which has been held annually since 1996 at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong, had its 22nd edition this year from December 6 to December 7.

The occasion for young scientists to engage in a poster presentation session to show their research, and for us to congratulate Dr Aisha Sami Mohammed Mohammed Selim! Dr Selim has received the Best Poster Prize with the poster entitled Zika virus infect human microglial cells and activates type III interferon signaling for host antiviral response.

Dr Selim from the HKU-Pasteur team is an MPhil student under the supervision of Dr Suki Leeand Prof Malik Peiris, her study focuses on the neuro-immune pathogenesis of Zika virus, a newly emerging virus that was declared by World Health Organization as a "Public Health emergency of International Concern" due to the numerous cases of microcephaly in newborns to Zika infected mothers and acute myelitis in adults as well.


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