Call for abstracts Preliminary Program
The 2015 session of the International Scientific Symposium of the Institut Pasteur International Network, will bring together in Paris the scientists from the 32 institutes of the Institut Pasteur International Network and from other research organizations together with international partners, from October 14th to 16th.
Online abstract submission and registration are open.
Call for abstracts
The Institut Pasteur International Network is offering a unique opportunity to scientists worldwide, both young and experienced, to showcase their research on global and one health issues to a broad international audience in the prominent Institut Pasteur in the heart of Paris.
Abstract submission is open to all research fields. In 2015, the Symposium will focus on the following topics:
Microbial Resistance
Zoonosis/Emerging diseases
Non communicable diseases, Microbiota
Abstract can be submitted for both oral communications or posters to report scientific or medical research developments linked with any global health challenges.
Deadline for abstract submission May 4th, 2015
Several international scientific experts will be specifically appointed to select the best abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Among poster presentations, several will be selected for a flash presentation.
Abstract submission exclusively online
To ensure consistency, all abstracts are to be submitted via the online abstract submission portal in English before May 4th 2015, 12.00 pm (Paris Time).
Abstracts should be submitted in English language. Abstracts should not exceed 350 words (excluding authors and affiliations).
Please note that no changes or additions will be accepted after the submission deadline; make sure to carefully check the information provided as it will appear printed as such.
Please provide a recent ID photograph with the abstract (jpeg format).
The conference will be held in English, applicants should be aware that no translation services will be provided.
Abstracts selected for oral and flash communications will be printed in the abstract book. For authors selected for posters presentations only the title, the names and the affiliations will appear in the abstract book.
Abstract review and selection process
Early June: Notification of the outcome of the review
All authors will be notified via email.
Oral and flash presentations Upon selection of their abstract for an oral or a flash presentation, participants’ expenses (travel and housing) will be covered by the Department of International Affairs- Institut Pasteur International Network. Click here for submit your abstract CONTACT Congress coordinator (registration, abstracts,...) Institut Pasteur / CIS 28 rue du Dr Roux 75015 Paris France REGISTRATION Registration is free but required
